Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

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Terms of use

Exclusion of liability

The viewpoints, comments and other content published on or disseminated via the "" website are solely intended to provide information to visitors. The Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation seeks to maintain full independence with regard to the site's content. Although the Foundation rigorously and carefully selects this content, it cannot guarantee its accuracy-or that of the viewpoints, comments and external content to which the site refers.

Neither the Foundation, nor its employees, directors or administrators, assume any responsibility for consequences that may result from the use of information provided on the site.

Limited reproduction rights

The Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation grants visitors the non-exclusive right to reproduce elements on which the Foundation holds copyright. This reproduction must be solely for personal use or for the purposes of a non-profit organization-in all cases, for non-profit-making purposes. Reproductions must always identify the Foundation website as the source of the original material, and must not be used on another website. This non-exclusive reproduction right may be withdrawn through a simple notification of the same on the Foundation website.

Any other use of granted rights requires prior written authorization from the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation.

Privacy policy

The Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation is concerned about privacy protection.
To ensure that the privacy and rights of visitors to its site are protected, the Foundation has implemented this Privacy Policy, which we invite you to read.

Notice concerning electronic information gathering

This site does not allow users to reveal their personal information.

The site does, however, use visitor analysis software (commonly known as "cookies") to gather and store certain information generated by visitors' computers, in order to improve the site and its services.

More specifically, when a visitor browses the Foundation site, the Web server sends a cookie to his/her browser. A cookie is an alphanumeric text file that is temporarily stored on the visitor's hard drive, allowing the Foundation site to recognize the user during a subsequent visit.

When you visit our website, the Foundation uses cookies to gather electronic information for purely statistical purposes, such as:

  • counting the number of visitors during a given period (day, week, month, year)
  • analyzing how visitors navigate the site in order to make it more user-friendly

We guarantee that no commercial use will be made of any information gathered by the Foundation through your use of its site, and that no information be sent to a third party without your permission.

Protection of personal information

The Foundation has established measures to respect the confidentiality of personal information it receives and protects such information by safeguards that are appropriate to its sensitivity. Moreover, access to personal information is granted only to authorized employees who require such information for the performance of their duties.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Foundation reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy as legislative or technological developments require.
The Foundation undertakes to notify visitors of any such modifications by announcing them on its site.

Contact us

If you would like to access your personal information or have a question regarding the protection of your privacy, or if you have a question, comment or request for further information on our policy, please contact the person responsible for the protection of personal information in the President’s Office:

Thank you for helping us to improve our content.

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